
She-Hulk: It’s Not Easy Being Green! …But It’s Easy to Order Hulk and She-Hulk Jewelry!

She-Hulk Attorney At Law


Before the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) unveiling of the character in  the Disney+ original series She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, She-Hulk first appeared in The Savage She-Hulk #1, which was dated February, 1980. Stan Lee and company were inspired partially by the success of the original Incredible Hulk and The Bionic Woman TV shows, as well as wanting to beat the show’s creators to the punch of a female hulk character.

As in the MCU series, She-Hulk is best known as the alter-ego of Jennifer Walters, an attorney and cousin of scientist Bruce Banner, also known as THE Hulk. Of course, with so many comics, plotlines, and even universes, nothing with Marvel is that simple, so there’s also Lyra, the She-Hulk who comes from an alternate future, and appeared in a number of Hulk-based comics. Marvel regular Betty Ross (daughter of Gen. Ross and romantic interest of Bruce Banner) has also been a She-Hulk and also Red She-Hulk. So, for all we know, Liv Tyler may return as a Red She-Hulk to fight against or alongside Tatiana Maslany’s green She-Hulk. 

While Bruce used his genius as a scientist, Jennifer uses hers as a lawyer, and like Bruce, becomes a superhero quite by accident. Bruce’s radiated blood is the source of their powers/problems, but how Jennifer get’s cross-contaminated with her cousin’s blood is different in the show and comics. 

One superpower that She-Hulk that’s unique to anyone in the canon MCU is that she’s aware that she’s a character in a comic book (or show), and breaks the fourth wall. This might not impress some folks since Marvel character Deadpool (who hasn’t been officially in MCU films yet, but let’s hope!) and at least some Rick and Morty characters do it as well. However, She-Hulk was playing with comic book panels and talking to the reader first, starting with the Sensational She-Hulk series in 1989. She’s even gone so far as to involve (and inspire the kidnapping of) Marvel staff! So she’s actually the first character to be self-aware as a “superpower,” even though breaking the fourth wall existed before the term “fourth wall” even made sense, with Ancient Greek plays directly addressing the audience.

Unfortunately, technology has not quite advanced so that superhero jewelry can’t address you or those around you, but it is advanced enough to be stylish and affordable! Our current She-Hulk collection features Jennifer Walters in both friendly lawyer mode, and muscle-pose mode, rendered in multi-color enamel on a 3.5cm (about an inch and a third) diameter base metal lapel pin. 

She-Hulk Metal Lapel PinJennifer Walters She-Hulk

If you’re looking for default-classic-Bruce Banner Hulk (He-Hulk?) we also have these manly cufflinks. While hulks of any gender can wear these radioactive symbol rings, available in sizes 9-11. 

Hulk and She-Hulk, as well as other MCU regulars, can be seen in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law streaming on Disney+.

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